4 Key Benefits of EHS Software

The Marketing Team
Jun 10, 2019 10:29:40 AM

Your organization moves fast, and you need software that can keep up. You need a solution that will rise to the occasion and give you the tools you need to prevent incidents.

More and more companies are finding that EHS software is the right software for the job. Here are four key benefits of EHS software and why your company should add it to your toolbox.

1. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

In 2018, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a study estimating that we have just 12 years left to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

So it’s easy to understand why sustainability is more than just a buzzword–it’s a way of life.

Today’s companies know that they need to pay attention to their carbon footprint to stay competitive. But did you know that EHS software can help you cut down your carbon footprint?

EHS Insight offers you all of the tools you need to manage your environmental impact, whatever your metrics may be. You can review and audit anything related to your Environmental Management System (EMS).

  • You can assign compliance tasks.
  • You can report, track, and monitor all aspects of your environmental consequences.
  • You can even improve your employee training to bring the whole company into the 21st century.

2. Streamline Your Workflows

You know that your team needs to be more efficient. You’re just not sure how.

Instead of managing your workflow across multiple resources, you can consolidate your tasks and information into one place. Anyone on the team can easily find the information they need. They can also log their tasks and incident data against predetermined criteria.

You can even automate your data collection process. That way, you can dodge the cost of human error and let your employees focus on what matters: doing their jobs.

3. Mobile Reporting

Your employees aren’t chained to their desks. The tasks that they need EHS software for will take them all over the place. The problem is that they still need to be plugged into the latest updates (or have the means to give incident updates wherever they are).

So they need software that can keep up with them. EHS systems of today are equipped to work well with mobile technology so that your team can do their job no matter where they are. They can send incident reports on-the-go, update their tasks as soon as they’re finished, and easily collaborate with other team members.

4. Protect Your Workers

Perhaps most importantly, EHS software allows you to protect your workers.

Your team does work that could injure them at any time. EHS software gives you the tools to prevent that from happening.

There’s safety management system software to manage incidents as they happen. Better still, the software gives you the information that you need to stop accidents before they can happen. That way, you can send your workers out each day with the confidence that you’ll be able to handle anything that comes your way.

Ready to Use EHS Software to Your Advantage?

EHS software isn’t just a tracking system. It’s a tool that allows your company to stay one step ahead. It allows your team to work more efficiently and solve problems as they arise. More importantly, it makes the whole process straightforward. If you’re ready to add EHS software to your toolbox, you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to help you make the most of your software, whatever your particular needs may be.

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